Spiritual warfare in the Courts of Heaven is essential for breakthrough in the seven mountains of influence—religion, family, education, government, media, arts, and business—because it addresses the spiritual forces that hinder progress. By engaging in prayer and aligning with God's justice, leaders can overcome strongholds that limit Kingdom transformation.
Lance Wallnau, a key voice in this area, says,
"You must recognize that your adversary accuses you before the throne of God. Only by petitioning the courts of heaven can you silence the accuser and advance in your assignment."
We have learned that personal freedom for both leaders and movements must come first. Too many saints and initiatives experience attacks, trauma, and setbacks because legal grounds in the Courts of Heaven have not been addressed. Nations Ablaze guides leaders through intensive coaching and deliverance in the Courts of Heaven to ensure that the enemy has no claim against them, their bloodlines, or their assignments. We use the
Acquittal method, a very successful frame work for freedom in the Cours of Heaven written by my personal friend Marie-Thérèse Van.
"This book has a great understanding of how to functionally obtain what Jesus has already paid for us to have. In “Acquittal” we learn how to come before the Courts of Heaven and secure through the Blood of Jesus that which is rightfully ours. Any claims the devil is making to seek to hinder this, we learn how to remove and revoke. This book is a great help in learning to function in the spiritual dimension called the Heavenly Courts."- Robert Henderson
This approach enables leaders to unlock divine strategies for victory in their spheres of influence. Nations Ablaze is involved in the development of several strategic prayer and warfare initiatives that focus on Europe and the Nations.