Restoring apostolic and prophetic leadership

In many churches and ministries, leadership traditionally emphasizes pastors, teachers, and evangelists. While these roles are essential for the growth and health of the congregation, it is time to acknowledge that they do not possess the full blueprint to lead a movement. The restoration of apostolic and prophetic leadership is necessary, not only to care for the flock but also to bring breakthrough, growth, and spiritual transformation.

The Bible clearly shows that apostles and prophets lay the foundation upon which the church is built. Ephesians 2:20 states: “Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” This foundation is not merely an optional addition; it is an essential building block that provides stability, vision, and spiritual strength.

Apostolic leadership is pioneering by nature. Apostles break through barriers, build structures, and bring new movements to life. They are not content with the status quo but feel a deep calling to establish new communities and reform existing systems. Paul serves as a powerful example of this. He traveled constantly, planted churches, and equipped leaders to care for the flock. His focus was on building the Kingdom, not merely maintaining the existing community.

Prophetic leadership adds another crucial element. Prophets bring correction, direction, and ensure that a movement remains aligned with God’s voice. Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Without prophetic input, a movement—even with apostolic leadership—risks building on human insight rather than divine revelation. Prophets discern, guard, and warn. They collaborate with apostles but also integrate and connect.

However, when the role of pastor, teacher, or evangelist dominates leadership, limitations arise. A pastor or teacher naturally focuses on the care and well-being of the flock. Their calling is to heal, protect, and teach. This is invaluable within the church, but when this ministry takes the lead, a culture of preservation often develops. The focus shifts more toward protecting what exists rather than exploring new spiritual territories.

Evangelists, on the other hand, burn with passion for souls. They reach out, call for repentance, and bring people to Christ. However, their focus is typically on individuals and the masses, not on long-term structural development within a movement or church. Philip, who led the Ethiopian eunuch to faith (Acts 8:26-40), demonstrates the power of the evangelist’s ministry. But Philip did not stay to build structures; he moved on once his mission was complete.

The danger lies in allowing pastors/teachers or evangelists to lead, as this can cause the church or movement to stagnate. An internal focus develops, and growth or expansion is hindered. The emphasis often shifts to knowledge, safety, or salvation. In contrast, apostolic and prophetic leadership focuses on the bigger picture, encompassing all these aspects and more. Apostles see the long term and build with generations in mind. Prophets guard the spiritual course, ensure deep purification, and bring renewal and direction as needed.

A powerful example of this collaboration is found in Acts 13, where Paul and Barnabas are sent out by the Holy Spirit after a time of fasting and prayer. The Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets in the church, leading to a new apostolic mission. This illustrates how prophetic listening results in apostolic action—a dynamic that characterized the early church and fueled explosive growth.

This does not diminish the value of pastors, teachers, and evangelists. They remain vital to building up the Body of Christ, as Ephesians 4:11 highlights: “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers.” Yet, this passage also shows that each ministry has its place. Apostolic and prophetic roles are meant to lead, while the other ministries support, deepen, and strengthen.

Reflecting on the modern church, it is clear to me that the call to restore apostolic and prophetic leadership is growing louder. The world longs for leaders who look beyond the borders of their own communities—leaders who build with a vision that extends beyond the present moment.

I believe that by embracing this shift, we will not only stand stronger as a church or ministry but also serve as instruments of change in society. As Isaiah 58:12 declares: “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

The future of spiritual leadership lies in restoring these foundational elements. Apostles build the foundations, prophets provide direction, pastors guard the flock, teachers delve deeply into the Word, and evangelists bring new people in. But to move beyond preservation and experience growth, apostles and prophets must take the lead so that God’s plan can fully unfold.

It is challenging that existing leadership is often reluctant to welcome apostles and prophets. Apostolic builder Dick Westerhof notes, “Our message to pastors and teachers is that they will lose their jobs.” This striking statement pinpoints the heart of the issue.

The apostles and prophets I know are often humble people who have endured years of formation and rejection. For this reason, they are the first to understand the words of the Lord: “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21, NIV).

The question is: who will have the humility to make room for a stronger foundation? And who has the character to embrace a healthy transition process? Who dares to recognize that their role in today’s church may differ from what they once believed?

Sven Leeuwestein

Sven Leeuwestein advises and coaches leaders in churches, businesses, and governmental organizations at the intersection of spirituality and leadership.

Sven Leeuwestein